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Offerings | Donations | Pledges

We GREATLY appreciate your support!
There are THREE ways to support Immaculate Conception, Peterborough. 




Rather than dropping cash into the Sunday collection basket, you can have an Income Tax Receipt generated for you at years-end if you use Offertory Envelopes instead.  Simply call the Parish Secretary to assign you a box of envelopes.  

You can use the following POP form:
Print, complete and sign the form, then mail with a voided cheque to the parish office.  This option is recommended for ongoing offerings and can be cancelled at any time.

Optionally, you are able to donate directly to Immaculate
You will pay by credit card and immediately receive a Tax Receipt into your email.  Be aware that with this option, the parish will incur a 3.75% fee. You may wish to add this fee to your donation so that it is covered.  For example, a
$50 donation becomes
($50 x 1.0375) $51.88.



From May 15th to November 15th, Immaculate Conception once again enlists the special support of its parishioners to help get us over the hurdle of additional costs to get our elevator construction underway.  We are so close.  To date we have raised $144,141.97 and have paid architect and engineering costs of $50,101.88.  (This includes the new walkway and railing.)


This leaves us with $94,050.09 to complete our accessibility projects.  However, projections are $150,000, leaving us short $56,000.


With the pandemic, there have been no dinners, bus trips, raffles, yard sales, or other fundraisers for over a year. 


Father Stephen and the Finance Committee therefore enlist your renewed support for a six-month pledge campaign.


As always we sincerely appreciate your dedication and commitment to your parish!

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